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Business Hours: 9am-6:00pm Mon-Fri

01992 460036 |

With over 30 years in the property market, Stallan Group have covered every aspect of the Housing market from concept to delivery and have always focused on a cost effective approach with innovative and value adding results.

About The Stallan Group

Not only do we carry out numerous projects on our own behalf we are also retained by a select number of Clients to acquire both Residential and Commercial projects on their behalf.

We are also employed by various Clients to engage in the Planning process and we are used as the “bridge” between parties and ensure all information is collated and shared and reported in a way that easy to understand.

We also act as a contractor’s role and can carry out the full process from Design and Build projects with full costings and full Project Management role.

CALL 01992 460036 OR EMAIL US


Stallan Investments

The main role is to source both Commercial and Residential investments which are mostly “off-market” for select investors.

We are retained by Clients to actively seek opportunities and we quickly appraise all opportunities and can give a speedy response. All our appraisals are very discreet and are genuine as we are retained by a select few. So, if you have anything which is unique or unusual and feel you would like to have an initial chat, call 01992 460036 for an informal chat. All enquiries will be in confidence.

Stallan Construction

We are employed by a select number of Clients to either construct their project as a Contractor or Joint Venture partner.

We are also employed at times to act as Project Managers and report on on-going construction matters directly to the Client as an Independent Consultant where we have been required to solve certain issues and delays. We also act for numerous Construction partners to source construction works where we act as Agent liaison with the Client who may be taking on their first Construction project and we are there to guide and assist throughout the project. For further details please call 01992 460036 to discuss your project.

Stallan Project Management

 We are employed by a select number of Clients to act as their independent Consultant where we are able to interpret Client requirements and ensure they are completed, within time and budget constraints and also to report in a “less technical” way if required.

We are also retained by Clients to create an overall report on some of their own situations with attention to time-lines and costings with being Independent and with only the Clients interest as our priority. We also are employed to carry out site meetings and negotiations with Contractors on behalf of Clients and take on the role of a “face to face” presence and relay to the Contractors the Clients wishes and the practicality of those requirements. For further details please call 01992 460036 to discuss your project.

Stallan Developments Ltd.

Stallan Developments Ltd is part of Stallan Group. We are an active development company who acquire sites to build as well as opportunities where Planning Permission is required. We look at various and wide ranging opportunities and promote land through the planning process.

We carry out full and extensive appraisals, design and plan each site in its own merits and have achieved some very difficult Planning approvals over the years. With over 30 years of experience in the planning process we are able to offer extensive and professional advice on all stages of planning. For further details please call 01992 460036 to discuss your project